
We celebrated Active Week in style this year. A special thank you to Mrs Long and the 6th class who organised a fantastic active day where each class enjoyed exciting exercises, races, games and obstacle courses. In addition some groups walked a kilometre a day, took part in brain breaks and yoga.

4th- 6th Class did some amazing project work on The Beetle’s - Amazing work everyone!

The Junior and Senior Infants made stain glass windows and also walked up to the Church to examine the real things.

St. Oliver Plunketts GAA Club training commences for under 7s this Friday May 14th, see poster below for details.

St. Oliver Plunketts U7 Training-page-001.jpg

We started Dance lessons today with Cathy and these will take place every Monday for the month of May. The children may wear their PE gear on Mondays.


Secretarial Position


Busy bee's being back